Are you and your family planning on going to Disneyland? If so, you may have planned a flight to get yourself up to the Los Angeles area. The airport in which you will land is the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), and you will definitely want to know how to get from this airport to Disneyland. Here are some options for doing this:
Getting from LAX to Disneyland isn't too difficult, and there are plenty of transportation options to choose from. Just be sure that you decide what transportation option is best for you ahead of time so that you can make all the right schedules and plans.
Share20 October 2014
Hi there, I am Taylor Eilson. I hope that you will visit my site all of the time to talk about airport transportation. When I first started my career, I was so scared of traveling from place to place for business meetings. The process of storing my car, making it to my flight on time and moving around town without a personal vehicle felt daunting at first. Luckily, with my first experience taking a cab to the airport, all of those feelings changed. From that point on, I vowed to try out all of the airport transportation options available to find my favorite ones. I hope that I can help others find their favorite way to travel to and from the airport in style. Please come by anytime to learn more.